Friday, October 22, 2010

The Iroquois

Geography affected the Iroquois tribe by giving them less land to do their deed's that they would usually do. less hunting and food grounds.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just who is Sandra Day O' Connor

Sandra Day O' Connor was born August 26, 1930 in El Paso, Texas. Her parents , Harry and Ida Mae day owned a cattle ranch in Southern Arizona called Lazy B. She was hired and replaced by a women. When she retired she gave obama the opportunity to pick his Supreme Court Justice. In 1981 Sandra Day O' Connor became the first woman to serve as a justice in the 191-year history of United States Supreme Court.
What i experience today is that it is not the easy to be in the supreme court justice. You have to decide on cases that your not sure about. I also learned that  you get elected to be a senator. 1 big main idea that we took away from this activity today is that we might not have asked as many questions as needed. Also that people did not talk more to make it a little funner.