Monday, February 28, 2011

A lesson we learned from the Tuskegee Airmen

A lesson that I learned from the Tuskegee Airmen is to keep moving forward. I say this because although many people doubted them they always kept moving forward. Many people thought that Negros couldn't fly but they did what no negro has done before. They also opened doors for future African-American pilots that wanted to fly in the war. Another lesson I learned was to never give people the satisfaction of putting you down. I say this because everybody critized them about flying in the war. But they didnt care about the comments and did what they believed in and achieved their goals.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tuskegee Airmen can teach you alot of things

What the Tuskegee Airmen taught me in the movie is to never give up and don't give any body the satisfaction of u quiting because in the movie tren thought that they killed Walter peoples and he was ready to leave and Annabel lee told him to not give them the satisfaction of you leaving.
And another thing I learned was to not let peoples words get to you and just ignore dumb things like that because that happen throughout the movie they had to go threw ever because the white man didn't want them to be good a airman. The last thing is enjoy what you love even if other people don't like what you do because all of them wanted to be a Airman and the white man did not want them to succeed during the process of becoming an airmen.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mock Hearings

In the Mock Hearings I learned about all the different units in our class. The Mock Hearings helped me by talking about the powers and how they are limited. The unit I did was unit 3 with James,Amaat,Hezekiah,and Kofi. The paragraph I had was "What powers do the congress have and how do the Constitution limit it?" The congress has the power to enforce laws, start a war, and many more........ So this helped me by showing me all the powers of the congress and the powers of the president and the powrs of the constitution.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Stuart Hobson Mock hearing

The mock hearing that we did was talk about the presidents powers and what they cant do. The president has the right to do many things such as to in force laws. He also has to ask the congress and the congress has to vote on it. We didn't win but we think we did a good job. Something else i learned is that if the  president dies the vice president has to take over for the rest of his years. James question was what was some of the powers the president has and how the Constitution limits his powers