Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mockc hearing

Mock Hearing

  Mock Hearing was an exciting event that was a real thrill experience. Mock hearing was an assignment in which in a group would come up with an paper about a certain topic in history. though its been a while i do not remember what me and my group members had did but i do remember all of the research and typing we had to do. It was like a competition we had to get the best paper to move on. Though my group did not win we had got an interesting experience in working together as a team to create a paper that could win. it was disappointing to not win or get a metal but we did get a memory. I remember having to go up and read my sentence then havin to answer questions that i did not know but using context clues to figure out the answer. Though it was an exciding experiance and knowing i might have to do it again in high school i hope im one of the lucky onces who does not have to do it. I say this becuase though our question person was cool and stuff i just felt bored doing it. But overall experience was O.K.

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