Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stuart Hobson vs Shaw

This blog is about our win against Shaw. The day started off very normal. We went through the whole school day waiting for this game to happen. When it was after school we went to Ms. Trenkle then went to the cafeteria like we always do. We ate our snack and went to the gym. When we got to the gym the coaches gave us our game pants and we went to go get our equipment from the equipment room. After we got dressed we waited for the bus and talked to our friends for a while. When the bus came we had to walk to the front of the school to get on the bus. A lot of parents & our peers told us good luck while we were going to the bus. When we got on the bus everybody got a assigned seat and zoned out into football mode. A few minutes in the bus ride the head coach,Coach Kip, came to talk to everybody to tell them to have a good game. Then we got almost their Mr. Witt gave us a speech on what we were capable of in the game. He told us to we can wear them out in the 4th quarter but they are gonna hit us hard in the first 3 quarters.Then we got off the bus and waited for the coaches to tell us to go. When we got in the stadium we saw Shaw sitting down and we looked at them and we looked at them for the whole time we were walking to our spot on the field.We sat down and just stared at them to give them a look to make them scared.Then we went down to the field and prayed. After we prayed we did our warm-ups. We got checked for the people who had asthma. After that we started running plays. We practice on blocking and tackling.The starting line up for the game was Me(Elliott 54)Center,Amaat(Right Guard 39),Jarret (Left Guard 94),Karawn(Right Tackle 92),Quarvez(Left Tackle 72),Henry(Quarter Back 7),James(Running Back 22),Nicholas(Fullback 5),Tarrin(Tight End 44),Calvin(Wide Receiver 1),and Michael(Wide Receiver 12).They got ball first. After the kick-off our defense stopped them from scoring and getting the first down. We got the ball and on the 3rd play Nicholas scored off of a Counter left and a block by Amaat. Then they got the ball and we stopped them again. On one play the full back of Shaw ran for ten yards and I(Elliott) tackled him.On a counter left gone wrong Jarret ran into Amaat and Nicholas had no blocks and one person from the other team grabbed by his jersey and somebody else came and hit him and he got injured :(.Then in the 3rd quarter  Nicholas scored a touchdown off of a Counter left.Later in the third quarter Henry threw a pass to James for over 15 yards on a screen play setting up for a touchdown.Then later Henry scored off of a QuarterBack freeze play. When they got the ball #42 ran passed Calvin our safety and then Calvin hawked him down and stripped the ball from him and Quarvez picked it up and ran for 10 yards and then got tackled. Calvin saved us from them not scoring.The 4th quarter came and I saw one of my team mates Terrel(6th grade) getting punk by a player from Shaw team. Then I said that's enough and pancaked him and did it play after play after play. The clock was ticking down and we just kept running the ball til' the clock ran out. When the clock ran out we started to shake hands after the game was over and then we celebrated with the coaches.After our celebration party we got on the bus and was talking about Jefferson(Our next game). When we got back to the school we put our jerseys in one pile and our pants in another. Then everybody just left.

                                                                     Signing Off,
                                                                     A Panther AllStar54 22 19

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